Endowed Scholarships

Scholarships play an important role in providing deserving students with the opportunity to attend the Saint Elizabeth University.

Endowed Scholarships, established by large gifts from generous benefactors who may wish to honor loved ones or admired faculty, require that the principle be invested. The interest from that investment is used as the scholarship award. 

Annual Scholarships, funded by substantial annual contributions from individual alumnae/i and friends as well as from Alumnae/i Association Chapters, are not endowed, but are awarded as they are received.

The following are endowed scholarships:

The Mother Xavier Scholarship

Established in 1958 by Mrs. Erasmus Lindley in memory of her aunt, Mother Mary Xavier Mehegan, for the maintenance of two scholarships to be known as the Mother Xavier Scholarships. Open to any high school graduates but preferably to graduates of Sister of Charity run academies.

The Shannon-Sheridan Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1905 by Mrs. Theresa A. Shannon- Sheridan in memory of her parents and husband.

The Alumnae/i Scholarship

Established in 1912 by the Alumnae/i Association of the university in honor of Sister Mary Agnes.

The Theresa A. Sheridan Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1913 by a bequest from Theresa A. Sheridan. Preference given to graduates of the Academy of Saint Elizabeth, but not restricted to them.

The Sister Regina Clare Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1935 by the Alumnae/i Association of the university for a Catholic student.

The Sister Mercedita Thomas Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1937 by the Alumnae/i Association of the university.

The Campbell Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1943 by Mrs. Charlotte R. Campbell in memory of her daughter Mollie for a resident of the Archdiocese of Newark.

The Sister Marie Jose Byrne Scholarship

Established in 1945 by the Alumnae/i Association of the university.

The John Hyland Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1948 by the estate of John Hyland.

The William T. and Marie J. Henderson Scholarship

Established in 1949 by William T. and Marie J. ’20 Henderson.

The Hugh and Carmelita Hurley Scholarship

Established in 1952 by Hugh and Carmelita ’33 Hurley.

The Marie McDonnell Scholarship Fund

Established in 1960 by Cyril F. O’Neil in memory of his wife, Marie McDonnell O’Neil ’20.

The Margaret M. McPadden Scholarship Fund

Established in 1961 by Anabel McPadden Davey in memory of her sister,Margaret M. McPadden ’26.

The Ann T. and Elizabeth L. McGovern Scholarships

Established in 1965 by Joseph T. McGovern in memory of his sister, Sister Marie Angele McGovern.

The Walter A. and Margherita E. Grebenstein Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1973 by Barbara Grebenstein in memory of her parents,Walter A. and Margherita E. Grebenstein, for a junior or senior art major at Saint Elizabeth University.

The Virginia Margaret Milling Scholarship Fund

Established in 1976 by Frank A. Sprenger in memory of his wife, Virginia Margaret Milling ’26, for a student planning to become an English teacher.

The Delia C. and James J. Egan, Sr. Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1976 by Sister Lucille Anne Egan and Monsignor Robert P. Egan in memory of their parents, Delia C. Egan and James J. Egan, Sr.

The Genevieve Walsh Scholarship Fund

Established in 1978 by Genevieve Walsh for physically handicapped students.

The Sister Dorothea Henderson Scholarship Fund

Established in 1978 by the Henderson Family in memory of Sister Dorothea Henderson.

The Commander Vincent DePaul and Dorothy Grey Farrell Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1978 by Dorothy Grey Farrell ’35.

The Frank and Esther Hevey Walsh Scholarship Fund

Established in 1979 by Esther Hevey Walsh ’20 in memory of her parents.

The Elroy Scholarship Fund

Established in 1980 by Edwina Elroy Cavanagh in memory of her parents, Edwin and Mary Elroy.

The Richard D. and Anna M. Purcell Scholarship Fund

Established in 1981. 

The Cathleen M. Harney Scholarship

Established in 1982 by James H. Harney in memory of his wife, Cathleen M. Harney.

The Rose F. Pollio Calascione Scholarship Fund

Established in 1982 by G. William Calascione, Esq. in memory of his wife, Rose Pollio Calascione ’39.

The Ann Strattner Vandenburgh Scholarship Fund

Established in 1983 by Mary Jane Strattner Gregory and Donald Vandenburgh in memory of Ann Strattner Vandenburgh ’46.

The Julia Sterns Carleton Memorial Fund

Established in 1983 by Dorothy F. Carleton ’33 in memory of her mother, Julia Sterns Carleton. 

The Kathryn Wilhelmina Hayes Scholarship Fund

Established in 1983 by Kathryn Wilhelmina Hayes.

The Colonel Edward W. Markey and Marguerite I. Markey Scholarship Fund

Established in 1985 by Kathleen M. Markey ’69 in memory of her grandmother, Marguerite I. Markey, and her father, Col. Edward W. Markey.

The Sister Anna Catherine Lawlor Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established in 1985 by alumnae/i of the biology department of Saint Elizabeth University in memory of Sister Anna Catherine Lawlor, for biology majors.

The Monsignor Robert P. Egan Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1983 by Sister Lucille Anne Egan in honor of her brother, Monsignor Robert P. Egan, to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of his priestly ordination.

The Swenson Art Scholarship Fund

Established in 1986 by Gertrude F. Swenson for students majoring in art (priority is to be given to graduates of the Academy of Saint Elizabeth).

The Schering-Plough Scholarship in the Sciences Fund

Established in 1986 by Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc. for sophomore science majors.

The Claire Waldron Booth Scholarship

Established in 1987 by Murray J. Booth in memory of his wife, Claire Waldron Booth ’35, for students majoring in foods and nutrition or science.

The Sisters of Charity Scholarship

Established in 1987 by the Sisters of Charity.

The William E. Simon Scholarship

Established in 1988 by William E. Simon for the education of minority students.

The William and Caroline Holmes Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1988 by Carolyn Holmes Neumann ’45 in memory of her parents, William and Caroline Holmes.

The Sister Anne D’Auray Leher Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1989 by Kathryn M. Healey ’22 and Helen R. Healey ’24 in memory of Sister Anne D’Auray Leher.

The Marie Baiocchi Byrne Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1989 by John and Carol-Marie Kiernan ’69 in memory of Carol-Marie’s mother, Marie Baiocchi Byrne.

The Jane and Michael Demshock Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1990 by Michael and Jane Karpinski Demshock ’38 for students of Polish ancestry.

The Elizabeth and Joseph Ward Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1990 by Elizabeth Murphy Ward ’27.

The Ursula M. Uttley Scholarship

Established in 1991 by Ursula M. Uttley ’33 in memory of her parents, Thomas Harker and Mayme Hackett Uttley and her beloved uncle, William Hackett for students majoring in English.

The Mary Teresa Rocco Fitzsimons Award

Established in 1992 by Robert and Christine Gero Rocco ’53, in memory of their daughter, Mary Teresa Rocco Fitzsimons ’84, for a full-time, non-traditional student who is the mother of a small child.

The Sister Blanche Marie McEniry Scholarship

Established in 1992 by Sister Mary Louis Moran and supported by alumnae/i gifts to honor History Professor Emerita Sister Blanche MarieMcEniry. Preference given to history majors.

The Mary Alice Bennett Scholarship

Established in 1993 by Margaret Bennett Rucki ’38 in memory of her mother.

The Marilyn Miller Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1994 by Anthony H. and Jane O’Donnell in memory of Marilyn Miller ’66 for a student considering a career in non-public education/administration.

The Sister Rose Anita Cerna and Elizabeth O’Neill Bennett Scholarship

Established in 1994 by Robert W. Bennett in honor of Sister Rose Anita Cerna and in memory of his wife, Elizabeth O’Neill Bennett ’63, to be awarded to a qualified Spanish language major.

The Michael and Mary Jackson Scholarship

Established in 1994 by Anna M. Jackson ’36 and augmented by Anna Jackson and her sister, Mary J. Fitzsimmons, in memory of their parents, Michael and Mary Jackson.

The Burns Family Nursing Scholarship

Established in 1995 in honor of the Burns Family, to be given to a qualified nursing student.

The Sister Marian José Smith Scholarship

Established by alumnae/i in 1992 to honor Sister Marian José Smith, this award grew to an endowed scholarship in 1996. It is awarded to an incoming senior chemistry major who has demonstrated academic excellence and the spirit of Saint Elizabeth University through involvement in the campus community.

The Ruth Collins Devlin Scholarship

Established in 1996 by the Devlin Family in memory of Ruth Collins Devlin ’32 for students majoring in science.

The Margaret Mary McBride Scholarship

Established in 1996 by Margaret Mary McBride ’33 to be awarded at the discretion of the University President.

The John J. Riordan Scholarship

Established in 1997 in memory of his sister, Julia Riordan Harmon. Priority given to students of Irish descent who demonstrate potential leadership and academic excellence.

The Rosse Family Scholarship

Established in 1997 by Thomas and Florence Meehan Rosse ’70 for minority students demonstrating financial need, academic stability and soundness of character.

The Sophie Zavada Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1998 by Mary Zavada ’57 in memory of her mother Sophie Majowicz Zavada, with priority to be given to students of Polish ancestry.

William L. DeSenti Memorial Scholarship

Established March 18, 1999 by Joyce DeSenti Polio ’73 and Dennis Polio to honor Joyce’s father, William L. DeSenti. Priority is given to students with an Education major but is not restricted to a student seeking a B.A. in Elementary Education.

Evangeline F. and Zita M. Deckert Memorial Scholarship

Established October 7, 1999 by Joan Fissell Hall, Class of ’65, as a memorial to her aunts, Evangeline F. and Zita M. Deckert. Preference will be provided to students majoring in chemistry or foods and nutrition and is provided on the basis of financial need.

Sister Kathleen Ann Marinan Memorial Scholarship

Established March 28, 2000 by J. Barry Marinan and Barbara Marinan as a memorial to Mr. Marinan’s sister, Sister Kathleen Ann Marinan. Preference will be given to students from Hudson County and Essex County, New Jersey.

The Frances Mary Yang Conti Nursing Scholarship

Established in 2000 by the bequest of Frances Mary Yang Conti, ’35, for a nursing student, preferably in the mental health field.

The Cecelia Claire Lucey Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2000 by Mary Lucey Rowan, ’54 in memory of her mother, for a female student over age 23 with financial need who completed her freshman or sophomore year and who interrupted her studies to raise a family.

The Alice Lopes Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established in 2001 by the bequest of John Jentz, in memory of Alice Lopes, Class of ’53.

The Hilda and Henry Hartenstein Scholarship Fund

Established in 2001 by the family of Hilda M. Hartenstein and Henry G. Hartenstein, in their parents’ memory, for elementary education students with an emphasis on science.

The Marie Dolores Henderson Griffin Scholarship

Established in 2001 by the bequest of Marie Dolores Henderson Griffin, ’34. To be awarded to Foods & Nutrition majors by competitive exam.

The Elizabeth and Robert J. Farrell Scholarship

Established in 2003 by bequest of Sybilla Farrell, ’32, in memory of her parents.

The Dr. Sydney W. Tompkins Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2003 by bequest of Dr. Sydney W. Tompkins, ’41, for math majors.

The Francis Pietroniro Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2004 by bequest of Elena Pietroniro Lasko, ’39, in honor of her mother.

The Beatrice Pietroniro Nielsen Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2004 by bequest of Beatrice Pietroniro Nielsen, ’34.

Saint Elizabeth Music Performance Scholarship

Established in 2003 by Anita Falla, M.D., ’43, for training in classical music performance for an exceptional music student.

Margaret Maichle Schlegel Scholarship Fund

Established in 2006 by Donna Marie Schlegel, William Maichle Schlegel, Richard Paul Schlegel, and Barbara Jean Schlegel, in memory of their mother, Margaret Maichle Schlegel, ’43, for Traditional University liberal arts students.

Mary Malone Foley Scholarship

Established in 2006, in memory of his wife by Adrian M. Foley, Esq., and by the family and friends of Mary Malone Foley, ’44. To be awarded to an English major.

Marian K. Cooke Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2007 by the bequest of Marian Spiegel Cooke, ’41, for undergraduates.

Elizabeth Singers Scholarship

Established in 2013 by alumna Mafalda Faillace to expand programs and scholarships.

Etta Marie Martorano Rizzuto Scholarship

Established in 2012 by her children in honor of the alumna who graduated in 1951 to award one partial scholarship.

The Leon and Yolanda Mazza Scholarship

Established in 2012 by Yolanda Mazza Kuns in memory of her parents for a partial scholarship in the Education department.

The Sister Francis Raftery Scholarship

Established in 2013 in honor of the former SEU president.

The Taylor Family Kindness in Action Scholarship

For students in undergraduate or graduate programs in need of financial assistance and demonstrating outstanding service in their communities.

Marie Wong Tsang Scholarship

Established in 2013 by her husband Victor Tsang in honor of this alumna from class of ’62. For an upperclassman studying biology, chemistry or science.