Our Mission

Contact Information

Mahoney Library


Saint Elizabeth University
2 Convent Road
Morristown, NJ 07960

Ask A Librarian

Main Desk: (973) 290-4237

Library Hours:
Mon-Fri 8am to 12am
Sat, Sun 2pm to 12am

Library services will be unavailable/closed:

  • Thursday, April 17 and Friday, April 18, 2025
  • Monday, May 26, 2025

"We seek to develop, nourish, and excite the intellectual and educational research aspirations of Saint Elizabeth University's academic community."

This is realized through the maintenance and instruction in traditional and electronic resources made available both on-site and at distance to support the religious mission of the University.

This mission is further given vitality through the promotion and advancement of information literacy skills involving classroom instruction, research guides and documentation, online tutorials and a staff committed to each individual's needs, abilities and willingness to learn.

The increasing collaboration with faculty, staff, and students in the educational process and the provision of greatly expanded resources through reciprocal agreements among library consortia, all help to sustain a vision of library services that sustains intellectual pursuits and academic curiosity now and for the generations of students to come.


Mahoney Library in the Summer