Graduating Student and Parent/Guest Information


Apply for Graduation

Students who anticipate completing their degree requirements should review the information available through the Registrar’s Office and complete the requested information to apply for graduation.

If you are applying for an August graduation apply by July 1.
If you are applying for a December graduation apply by November 1.
If you are applying for a May graduation apply by December 1.

Please note:  Any applications received past 5 p.m. on May 3, 2025 will not be able to participate in the 2025 Commencement ceremony, and those not received by March 20, 2025 will not be included in the 2025 Commencement Program.

To review graduation information and apply for graduation click here:

Apply for Graduation

For students who graduated in August 2024 and December 2024, please follow all information listed on this page as well as keep an eye on your email for important information. 

Regalia Ordering Information

After you apply for graduation, you have to order regalia. Please see you ordering information based on your degree being received.

Bachelor and Masters

For Bachelor and Masters regalia the order deadline is March 28, 2025.  Your graduation fee covers the cost of your regalia but if you want to order other items available through Oak Hall such as sashes, rings, etc., you will be charged at the time of ordering. 


For doctoral regalia to rent or purchase the order Deadline is March 10, 2025.  Your graduation fee covers the cost of the rental but if you purchase the regalia, you will be charged at the time of ordering the difference between the rental cost and the full cost of the regalia. Also, if you are renting and order other items availalbe through Oak Hall such as sashes, rings, etc. you will be charged at the time of ordering.

All doctoral students must return their rented regalia, gown and hood only, (you keep the tam as a gift from the University) to the table in front of Holy Family Chapel. Regalia must be returned within 30 minutes following the end of the ceremony or the graduate will be charged an additional fee for non-return of the rental regalia.

To order regalia click here:  

Order Regalia

If you miss the ordering deadline, you can make a request for regalia but we cannot guarantee regalia will be available. Please be sure to place your order by the stated deadlines.

If you miss the deadline of March 28, 2025 click here: 

Request Regalia - Missed Deadline 


Ticket Information

Each graduating student will receive six guest tickets (graduating students do not need a ticket, your cap and gown serve as your ticket). Tickets are required for guest seating. Children over two years of age require a ticket; children aged two years and under are expected to sit on the lap of a parent or guardian.

The graduating student should make sure that their guests have their tickets in hand before getting in the line-up. Ticket allocation is based on the actual number of students participating in the ceremony and capacity of the venue.   While we would like to issue an unlimited number of tickets for your friends and relatives, we must accommodate some guests for all of our students.  We will take requests for up to 2 additional tickets but we can’t guarantee the request will be honored. 

To request 2 additional tickets click here: 

Request 2 Additional Tickets  

The deadline to request 2 additional tickets is April 25, 2025.  No additional tickets will be available after this date. You will be notified at the Grad Fair if your request for extra tickets can be filled. Lost or stolen tickets cannot be replaced. Please be careful.

Grad Fair

Regalia and guest tickets will be distributed on Tuesday, May 6, 2025 from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm in St. Joseph’s Ward Conference Room.

Please bring proper ID with you (preferably your SEU ID card). Guests with disability (wheelchair/walker) seating tickets will be validated. If additional tickets were requested and are being made available, they will be provided at the Grad Fair.  

Students who qualify for graduation honors will receive their cords at the Grad Fair.

If you cannot pick up your regalia and tickets at the Grad Fair and would like to send a family member or friend, please email from your official SEU email account with your name and who is picking up your regalia prior to May 6. If you cannot pickup or have someone else pickup on May 6, please email to make alternate arrangements.  Under no circumstances will regalia and tickets be available after May 14th.

Commencement Rehearsal

Rehearsal will be held on Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 6:00 pm in Dolan Performance Hall. All graduates who are attending Commencement should attend the rehearsal.

Hooding Ceremony (Doctoral/Masters)

The Hooding Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, May 13, 2025 at 6:00 pm in Dolan Performance Hall.  The ceremony will honor graduating Doctoral/Masters students as faculty advisors present students with their hoods in the presence of family and friends. Students eligible to attend will receive an invite in April with specific information about the event.

Commencement Day

Student check-in and lineup for Commencement takes place at the Academy promptly at 8:30 am on Thursday, May 15, 2025. Please arrive on time. Graduate who arrive late, may not process with their class. The lineup is alphabetical by degree earned. Faculty members will be present to assist with the lineup. Graduates can carry nothing into the ceremony. Please leave coats, purses or other valuables locked in the car or in the possession of your guests.

  • Bachelor Degree Candidates should come dressed in the cap, gown. The tassel should hang to the right side of the cap. Don’t forget to bring extra bobby pins to secure the cap to your head. Academic protocol requires that graduates wear black shoes with academic attire. Low-heeled or no-heeled comfortable shoes are recommended as this is an outside event on grass.

  • Doctoral and Master Candidates should come dressed in the cap, gown and hood. Don’t forget to bring extra bobby pins to secure the cap to your head. Academic protocol requires that graduates wear black shoes with academic attire. Low-heeled or no-heeled comfortable shoes are recommended as this is an outside event on grass.

NOTE: Students who do not arrive in academic attire cannot participate in Commencement.

Guest Seating

Guest seating is on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 9:00 am. This is an outdoor event, dress weather appropriate. No strollers, carriages, carriers or any other equipment for transporting babies or toddlers are permitted for safety purposes. Balloons and view-obstructing signs, banners, confetti cannons will also not be permitted. There will be no standing allowed in the areas outside of the event space.

Additional Viewing Option: Family and friends who cannot attend in person may watch the live stream of the ceremony on the SEU Official YouTube Channel. The live stream will start at 9:45 am.

Guests with Disability - Seating Accommodations (Wheelchair/Walker)

Seating for guests with a disability (wheelchair/walker) will be available in a reserved section. Due to limited space, the reserved seating area is restricted to the person with a wheelchair or walker and one guest to assist them. Additional members of your party should sit in the general seating area.

The student must have two tickets validated for disability seating during the Grad Fair. Please note: Total number of guest tickets, including tickets for guests with a disability, will not exceed six. The guest with the disablity and the person assisting them will enter through the Disability Seating entrance. We cannot guarantee disability seating without a prior request.  

To request disability seating accomodations click here:

Request Disability Seating Accomodations

Deadline to submit a request is Friday, April 25, 2025.  

Parking Information

Campus Map and Directions
Once on campus follow the directions of our parking attendants. There will be dedicated handicap parking area. To utilize this parking, vehicles must have New Jersey license plates or placards. There will be 3 shuttle buses running from the specific parking lots to the front lawn area. Shuttle pick-ups will be marked.


Island Photographer has been hired to capture this special moment.  Please refrain from taking photographs during the ceremony from anywhere other than your seat in order to avoid obstructing the view of others. Each graduate will be professionally photographed before receiving their degree and while they are receiving their degree on stage. 

For addtional information click here:

Ordering Photos and More  

After Graduation Information 

Diplomas: Blank diploma covers will be handed out during the ceremony.  Official diplomas​ will be mailed by the end of June to the address you provided on your graduation application.

 Email Account: Alumni are be able to keep their email address for a year from their graduation date in accordance the University's Acceptable Use Policy:

"Student email accounts will be deleted one year after graduation or after one year of inactivity with the University, where inactivity is defined as being withdrawn from all classes or not enrolled in any classes."

Students wishing to download their email or other documents that might be in Google Drive should use Google Takeout to download this information, keeping in mind this download could take some time. It is recommended this tool be used some time before the deletion date of the account is scheduled to take place.

 For information on Google Takeout click here:

Google Takeout

Contact Information

If you still have questions after reviewing this information, please email the Commencement Committee at