

Key Databases

  • ProQuest Social Science Premium Collection
    • This multidisciplinary database includes articles from scholarly journals and the popular press. Search topics on the newspaper industry, journalism, polls and surveys, interpersonal communications, employee relations and more.
  • ProQuest Research Library: Social Sciences
    • This subset of the Proquest Research Library database includes journals that cover communications, sociology, and linguistics.

Streaming Video

  • Films on Demand: Communication Video Collection
    • Over 800 videos on human communication, interpersonal and group communication, advertising and public relations, broadcasting, digital media, film studies, film, video & audio production, journalism, publishing, media & society.

Other Resources

  • Academic Search Complete
    • Over 6,400 active, full-text journals, more than 5,700 of which are peer reviewed titles, providing access to critical information on all topics, including Communication, unique to this database.
  • ERIC
    • Coverage of topics like speech communication, computer mediated communication, nonverbal communication and interpersonal communication.

Historic Newspapers