Subject Guides
"Genocide is the attempt to partially or completely destroy a particular racial, religious, or national group. During World War II, the Third Reich embarked on a program of genocide by which they attempted to completely destroy European Jewry. Six million Jews, the majority of the European Jewish population and about one-third of all the Jews in the world, were ultimately murdered. This Nazi genocide has become known as the holocaust."
Karesh, Sara E., and Mitchell M. Hurvitz. "Nazi genocide." Encyclopedia of Judaism, Encyclopedia of World Religions. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 2006.
Online Encyclopedias
- Britannica Academic: The Holocaust
- Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity
- Confronts human rights issues and It traces the history of events that qualify as genocide that had occurred in the modern era. It also explains international laws and law proceedings aimed at ending these crimes against humanity.
- History in Dispute, Vol. 11 - The Holocaust, 1933-1945
- Provides coverage of the Jewish Holocaust, its historical developments during World War II and the survivors of the Holocaust in the 20th century.
Key Databases
- ProQuest Research Library
- Multidisciplinary database with history, political science, and theology journals covering the Holocaust. Some full text included.
Other Resources
- EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History
- Links to collections of European primary source documents transcribed or translated and listed in chronological order by country.
- PsycINFO
- Journal articles covering the psychological effects of the Holocaust, and the psychological profiles of perpetrators of genocide. Full text not included, but may be available through other sources.
- Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress (PILOTS)
- Journal articles covering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) effects on Holocaust survivors. Full text not included, but may be available through other sources.
- Science Direct
- 3,000+ articles covering the psychological, social, medical, and cultural impact of the Holocaust on its survivors. Some full text included.
- Sociological Abstracts
- Search journal article abstracts for the sociological aspects of the Holocaust and genocide. Full text not included, but may be available through other sources.
Citing Sources
- APA Style Guide
- Zotero
- A citation generator and management tool, Zotero can help you keep all of your citation information together and generate a bibliography for you.