
Online Encyclopedias

  • Points of View Reference Center
    • Covers current issues in the news and society. Contains point and counterpoint essays, articles, news transcripts, and more. POV also includes helpful guides for developing arguments, writing position papers, and preparing for debates.
  • Psychology of Classroom Learning (GVRL)
    • Examines the fundamental psychological aspects of learning such as cognition, motivation, and emotion, as well as individual and environmental factors at work in the classroom. Explores how instruction and learning are affected by factors such as classroom management, multiculturalism, learning styles, home schooling, peer relationships, school culture, discipline, self-esteem, socioeconomic status, and more.

Key Databases

  • Education Research Complete
    • Over 1,400 full text education journals. Covers areas of curriculum instruction as well as administration, policy, funding, and related social issues, across all educational levels.
  • ERIC
    • The pre-eminent database of published research in education, ERIC contains nearly 1.5 million records and over 450,000 full text documents. Indexes both journal articles and grey literature like conference papers, government reports, policy papers, etc.
  • ProQuest Education Database
    • Full text access to over 600 titles and indexing to 300 additional titles covering all aspects of education.

Streaming Video

Other Resources

  • ProQuest Research Library: Social Sciences
    • Multidisciplinary database with education journals and titles for children/teens.
  • PsycINFO
    • Psychological and behavioral aspects of education, 98% peer-reviewed.
  • Science Direct
    • Multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals. Includes some journals on education, psychology, and childhood development.
  • ProQuest Sociological Abstracts
    • Key database of the social and behavioral sciences. Searches abstracts of journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers.


LibGuides are resources that are built by scholarly professionals with content specifically related to a given subject.

Citing Sources

  • APA Style Guide
  • MLA Style Guide
  • Zotero
    • A citation generator and management tool, Zotero can help you keep all of your citation information together and generate a bibliography for you.


Books on education have call numbers in the 370. We also have a Juvenile Reading Collection.

Legal Resources

  • Google Scholar Case Law
    • Free case law library includes state cases from 1950; federal, appellate, tax, and bankruptcy cases from 1923; and US Supreme Court opinions from 1791.


Curriculum and Lesson Plans


Research Centers

Statistics and Data