Subject Guides
Online Encyclopedias
- Crime, Prisons, and Jails (Gale Virtual Library)
- Focuses on the social and moral issues surrounding crime, prisons, and jails. Published in 2007.
- Legal Information Institute
- Open access resource hosted by Cornell University providing coverage of all aspects of U.S. law, including supreme court cases, legal encyclopedias and an extensive collection of articles on various legal topics.
- West's Encyclopedia of American Law (Gale Virtual Library)
- Provides information on more than 5,000 legal topics. Includes articles covering important issues, biographies, definitions of legal terms and more. Published in 2004.
Key Databases
- Criminal Justice Database
- Search 250 criminal justice journals, over 100 with full text. Includes both U.S. and international journals, and covers law enforcement, corrections administration, drug enforcement, rehabilitation, family law, and industrial security.
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
- Search over 200,000 publications (government reports, books, journal articles, research reports) covering all aspects of criminal justice. Topics include corrections, law enforcement, drugs and crime, juvenile justice, crime victims, technology in law enforcement, domestic violence, drug policy, juvenile violence and more. Some full text included. If you can't find your topic, look it up in the Thesaurus Search to get the database-assigned term.
Streaming Video
- Films on Demand: Criminal Justice and Law Videos
- 450 streaming videos covering topics like law enforcement, criminal justice system, types of crimes, etc.
Other Resources
- Business Source Elite
- Search thousands of journal articles and professional publications covering commercial crimes, computer crimes, white collar crimes, fraud, security, law enforcement, forensic accounting, and law & legislation. Some full text included.
- Though primarily a database for education topics, ERIC also includes scholarly articles relating to educational programs of corrections facilities, interventions for youth offenders and at-risk individuals, police school safety, and many other topics. Some full text included.
- First Search GPO: Government Printing Office
- Covers all types of U.S. government documents, including Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and documents issued by executive departments, many pertaining to criminal justice issues.
- ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection
- A collection of fourteen separate databases covering various aspects of sociology and related fields, including criminal justice.
- PsycINFO
- Search journal article abstracts on the psychological implications of criminology, including behavior, rehabilitation, victimization, adjudication and more. Full text not included, but may be available through other sources.
- Sociological Abstracts
- Search journal article abstracts for the sociological aspects of crime. Covers topics like imprisonment, prison culture, victimization, crime rates, gangs, juvenile justice, fear of crime, etc. Full text not included, but may be available through other sources.
LibGuides are resources that are built by scholarly professionals with content specifically related to a given subject.
Citing Sources
- APA Style Guide
- MLA Style Guide
- Zotero
- A citation generator and management tool, Zotero can help you keep all of your citation information together and generate a bibliography for you.
Legal Resources
- Google Scholar Case Law
- Free case law library includes state cases from 1950; federal, appellate, tax, and bankruptcy cases from 1923; and US Supreme Court opinions from 1791.