FBI Collegiate Academy

FBI Collegiate Academy

November 21, 2022

Morristown, N.J. (November 21, 2022)- During October and early November, 40-plus SEU students attended the FBI Collegiate Academy to learn from and network with FBI Special Agents and professionals. Held on campus, the Academy was open to all SEU students and sponsored by the SEU Honors and Educational Opportunity Fund programs.

The Academy provided instruction, including hands-on training in cybersecurity, counterintelligence, evidence response training and electronic technician expertise. The four-session program also presented and extensive professional networking opportunities for SEU students seeking employment in the FBI or a related field. In addition, the FBI-issued certificates were issued to students completing the program.

“Both the SEU Honors and EOF Programs understand that students need real-world experience to successfully navigate the professional world upon graduation,” said Nicole Yanoso, Ph.D., professor of history and director of the SEU Honors program. “The Agents who came to campus provided our students with roadmaps to jobs in the FBI and related fields, as well as encouraged students to apply for FBI positions.”

Students who attended the FBI Collegiate Academy, greatly appreciated with professional development opportunity and learning opportunities that exist within the FBI and related areas.

“My FBI Collegiate Academy experience was amazing. I am so grateful for it. The FBI Collegiate Academy was very informative, and the Agents did a wonderful job,” said Sting Lindor, ’24, criminal justice.

Classmate Frank DeRogatis, ’24, also a criminal justice major, remarked on the excellent experience and insight he gained from participating in the program.  “It was a great inside look at several areas within the Bureau, helping us to better understand how these incredible men and women protect the United States,” he added.

“The FBI Collegiate Academy experience taught me so much—for example how to prevent cyberattacks or any hazardous hacks,” said Arnaldo Allende, ‘24. “It also demonstrated to me the strong cultural and ethnic diversity in the Bureau.”

Based on the success of the initial Collegiate Academy, te FBI and SEU plan to collaborate on future endeavors, according to Yanoso.

“The University would like to extend a special thank you to FBI Community Outreach Specialist Kimberly McDonald who worked extensively with the SEU Honors program to organize this event,” Yanoso said.