Title IX

SEU campus in the fall


Saint Elizabeth University practices equal opportunity with respect to its students and its employees. No one will be denied employment at or admission to Saint Elizabeth University based on sex, race, creed, color, religion, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or national origin.

SEU does not discriminate based on any of the aforementioned protected bases in the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment and employment of faculty and staff, and the operation of any of its programs and activities as specified by federal and state law and regulations.

Saint Elizabeth University complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits all recipients of federal funds from discriminating based on gender in its educational programs and activities. SEU also prohibits harassment based on sex, race, or other listed above and prohibits sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or other violence against its students and employees. Any of these acts or other acts of violence will not be tolerated.

The University will respond promptly, fairly, and impartially to all harassment, sexual assault, or violence complaints. This policy applies to all members of the Saint Elizabeth University community. It describes an individual's rights as a student or employee with respect to sexual or other forms of harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and/or stalking. The Title IX Policy has been revised to improve its organization and formatting and to align the policy with new regulations recently released by the federal government.

  • Revising the definitions of stalking, dating/domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault to comply with the recent federal regulations.
  • Consent for sexual activity;
  • Clarifying the role of an advisor during the complaint resolution process; and
  • Adjusting investigative timelines to be consistent with new regulations.

Our policy remains within the parameters established by federal and state law, including:

We will continue to use a "preponderance of the evidence" standard to determine whether the facts support a finding of responsibility for violating our sexual misconduct policies. This is consistent with the standard we use for other policy violations.

Saint Elizabeth University is also committed to promptly, impartially, and equitably addressing and resolving all sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct reports. When the University discovers that such behavior has occurred, we will take steps to stop the behavior, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects.

Creating a safe campus environment and a culture of respect is the shared responsibility of all Saint Elizabeth University community members. This must continue to be among our highest priorities.

Responsible Employee

Any information regarding an incident of sexual misconduct that is shared with Saint Elizabeth University employees is required to be reported to the University Title IX Coordinator.  Faculty and staff who have questions regarding their obligation to report or would like to consult about a concern should contact the Title IX Coordinator.


Saint Elizabeth University is a member of the SUNY Student Conduct Institute.  Much of Saint Elizabeth's training, documentation, policies, and guidance comes from membership within the collective. 

What Families Need to Know About Sexual Assault and Safety on Campus


Posted Training

The SUNY SCI resources displayed on this webpage represent a sampling of training from SUNY SCI's educational portfolio specifically designed for and made available to SUNY SCI's institutional members to facilitate compliance with federal higher education requirements, including Section 106.45(b) of the 2020 Final Title IX Rule.
The Final Title IX Rule requires the sharing of "[a]ll materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. A recipient must make these training materials publicly available on its website, or if the recipient does not maintain a website the recipient must make these materials available upon request for inspection by members of the public."
SUNY SCI does not monitor or certify the appropriate use of this webpage by its membership or third parties for compliance verification purposes. For a current list of SUNY SCI members, please visit our website at system.suny.edu/sci/campuses for Title IX training completion purposes.


All materials on this page are Copyright © The State University of New York.

The SUNY Student Conduct Institute (SUNY SCI) content on this webpage is developed and intended for educational purposes solely for the purpose of facilitating current SUNY SCI compliance with section 106.45 of the Title IX Final Rules. These materials may only be posted by current SUNY SCI members in accordance with SUNY SCI’s terms and conditions. Posting of these materials by SUNY SCI on this webpage or by any past or current SUNY SCI members on their institutional websites does not grant any license for the use of these materials outside of the expressed purpose under the Final Rule. No materials may be shared, reproduced, or distributed without the express permission of the SCI. The materials on this page are not legal advice and use of any SUNY SCI training content does not create an attorney-client relationship between the reader, user, or browser and the SUNY SCI. A list of current SCI members is available at system.suny.edu/sci/campuses. Any misrepresentation of these materials for the purposes of compliance with the Final Rules constitutes a legal and ethical violation and a violation of the intellectual property rights of the State University of New York and the State of New York.