Prevention Programs and Awareness Campaigns

SEU is committed to educating the campus community about the prevention of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, discrimination, and harassment through appropriate awareness and response training programs. The University provides regular sexual harassment awareness and response training programs for faculty, staff, students, campus security authorities, athletic coaches, and residence life staff members.

Prevention Programs and Awareness Campaigns

Student Conduct Institute logoThe University offers several programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking that are relevant to the campus community. Students can find information about these programs in the Counseling Center, or the Office of the Dean of Student Life.

Faculty and staff receive annual training and development through the University. The University also offers on-going programs and awareness campaigns designed to increase the level of understanding on topics such as acts of violence including dating, domestic, and sexual violence as well as stalking.

Listed below are examples of the prevention program and awareness campaigns at Saint Elizabeth University.

  • Annual online sexual assault prevention program for students and employees;
  • Mandatory in-person training as part of first-year Orientation programs for traditional undergraduates, and during employee orientation for new faculty and staff;
  • Healthy Relationship Infusions through the University's General Education Program;
  • Safety Presentations by Student Life and Campus Security;
  • First Year/Transfer Awareness Programs – the University hosts campus-wide programming to increase education awareness surrounding the topics of violence prevention, safety, and incident reduction;
  • Take Back the Night, a confidential awareness program providing a platform for campus community members to share personal stories as survivors, friends, and advocates;
  • The Clothesline Project, a JBWS-partnered program educating the campus community on domestic and dating violence;
  • Denim Day, a program focused on raising awareness of sexual assault and violence against women and men;
  • Anti-Bullying Week programs focused on dating violence, domestic violence, and sexual misconduct/violence;
  • Awareness and Prevention Tabling by the Counseling Center - The on-campus Counseling Center provides information to the campus community throughout the year on dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault prevention and awareness;

Title IX Investigator, Advisors and Decision Maker Training

The University partnered with the SUNY Student Conduct Institute to provide comprehensive training to all Title IX team members. All training materials are publicly available at

Posted Training



The SUNY SCI resources displayed on this webpage represent a sampling of training from SUNY SCI's educational portfolio specifically designed for and made available to SUNY SCI's institutional members to facilitate compliance with federal higher education requirements, including Section 106.45(b) of the 2020 Final Title IX Rule. 

The Final Title IX Rule requires the sharing of "[a]ll materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. A recipient must make these training materials publicly available on its website, or if the recipient does not maintain a website the recipient must make these materials available upon request for inspection by members of the public."

SUNY SCI does not monitor or certify the appropriate use of this webpage by its membership or third parties for compliance verification purposes. For a current list of SUNY SCI members, please visit our website at for Title IX training completion purposes.