Campus Ministry
Contact Information
Office of Campus Ministry
Aaron Bianco
Campus Minister
Mahoney Library, 2nd Floor
Morristown, NJ 07960-6989
Phone: (973) 290-4240
Traditionally, we mark Lent by giving something up, but what if it could be about
more than just giving stuff up? What if Lent was a preparation for a lifetime of big-heartedness?
What if it could be a time of radical generosity as well as spiritual discipline?
This year, do Lent different! Small acts, performed by the many, would have the power
to transform our SEU community.
The Mission Council invites you to take the Lent Challenge. It's easy: simply click
the day below for a meditative quote and an action to perform.
"Sooner or later, good works speak a far more advantageous language than whatever
is done for ostentation and display."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Tell a friend about the Lenten challenge and commit to complete it together.
"Am I in full Charity with all?"
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Choose good cause you would like to support. Find an empty jar and during
Lent put your change in. At the end of Lent, donate the money to your chosen cause.
"We must strive to soften our hearts and make them sensitive to the suffering and
worries of the neighbor."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Prepare and eat a no-meat meal.
"We should read good and useful books."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Read the scriptures before attending church on Sunday: Deuteronomy 26:4-10;
Romans 10:8-13; and Luke 4:1-13
"God is satisfied with a soul of good will."
St. Louise de Marillac
Challenge: Say a prayer for first responders and all those who put their lives at
risk in service to the community.
"God accepts the undertakings of one who presents things frankly just as they are."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Fast from insensitive, cruel comments about others. So, no gossiping (this
includes social media)!
"Give me a person of prayer, and they will be capable of doing all things."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Pray with the intention for others.
"Those whom you serve should feel the efforts of your kind-heartedness."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Everyone likes to be included and invited, so extend a warm invitation
to someone who doesn't usually make your guest list.
"Blessed are they who wear themselves out for Charity."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Donate books, clothing, or household items to a charity.
"How liable we are to err in our judgments respecting others unless we thoroughly
know the motives of their actions."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Listen without judgment to another's story.
"Let us accustom ourselves to entreat rather than command; to instruct more by example
than by precept."
St. Louise de Marillac
Challenge: Cook a meal for your friends/family using only $1. Pray for those who live
on less than $1.00/day.
"Faith lifts the soul, hope supports it, experience says it must, and love says let
it be."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Be grateful! Send a note or a small gift to someone you want to say thank
you to.
"We must always do things with the greatest possible simplicity."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: One in 10 people lack access to safe water. Conserve water today, and make
it a habit.
"You will help other more by the peace and tranquility of your heart than by any eagerness
or care you can bestow on them."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Unplug from your phone and turn off your phone and music on your commute.
"There is no charity without justice, nor does it permit us to do more than we reasonably
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Write a letter, make a phone call, or send an email to your senators and
tell them about a social justice issue you care about.
"Charity is not charity if unaccompanied by justice or if it suffers us to do more
than we can reasonably perform."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Before you eat, take five minutes to pray for the hungry and thirsty of
the world. Take one minute for each inhabited continent, Africa, North America, South
America, Asia, Europe, Australia/Oceania
"We should be faithful in little things, keep ourselves in the presence of God, and
have a great desire to please him."
St. Louise de Marillac
Challenge: Attend a Parish fish-fry or simple soup meal.
"No matter how much we exert ourselves, people will never have faith in us unless
we show charity and compassion to those whom we wish to believe in us."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Perform one anonymous simple act of kindness.
"Kindness is the key to hearts."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Surprise at least three people you care about with a phone call today.
"God is everywhere. In the very air I breathe."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Do 'Lenten Cleaning' in your community - help pick up litter around your
"Have the courage to own up to one's omissions and blunders."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Seek reconciliation. Apologize and ask for forgiveness today.
"Continue to view the affairs and doings of the neighbor in a spirit of charity; should
his actions have a hundred sides, always look at the best."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Strike up a conversation with someone you don't know in the hallway or
at lunch.
"We should watch over the interests of others as well as we do our own, and be careful
to act on every occasion with uprightness and fidelity."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Be mindful of your words and social media posts/comments - that they all
be in a spirit of love.
"Be at peace and continue working as you have always done; the trouble you have already
taken will not be lost. You know that after the rain comes the sunshine."
St. Louise de Marillac
Challenge: Slow down, take a "mindful moment" and be fully present and intentional
in all your activities.
"God makes the interests of the afflicted his own."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Donate at least three non-perishable food items to a food bank.
"Rejoice in hope; hope shall never be confounded."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Pay three people a genuine compliment.
"The reward of sacrifice is peace."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Sometime this week plan to fast from the afternoon onwards. Take time to
pray in your fasting for things that concern you.
"Though truth and sincerity should ever guard our words, yet we should be careful
never to offend others."
St. Louise de Marillac
Challenge: Respond to anger or angry words with kindness today.
"As I myself am a great sinner, I cannot reject those who have sinned if they have
good will."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Let go of an old grudge. Forgive someone today and let them know that they
are forgiven.
"Begin again today; what is lost must not cause dejection; what is gained will be
lost if you do not begin afresh as if nothing had been done."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Put aside your preconceived ideas about a person or a situation and be
more open-minded.
"It is an obligation for us to inconvenience ourselves for the service of the poor."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Help someone who needs it today, whether you know them or not.
"Come now, let us engage ourselves with renewed love to serve the poor, and let us
even seek out the poorest and most abandoned of all."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Participate in the Habitat for Humanity Student Service Day. Or, volunteer
time at a non-profit agency of your choosing.
"If we had even a tiny hint of this love, would we remain with our arms folded? Would
we allow to perish those whom we could assist? Oh no, charity cannot remain inert
and inactive."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Take time to visit, call, or send a card or an email to someone who is
"To enjoy we must love; and to love we must sacrifice."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Fast from negativity.
"Cheerfulness prepares a glorious mind for all the noblest acts."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Today, thank someone who helped you become better.
"We should assist the poor in every way and do it both by ourselves and by enlisting
the help of others."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Ask someone for help with a project or situation that's overwhelming you.
"Bitterness never served any purpose than to embitter."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Be patient when you're faced with an annoying person or situation today.
"In order to acquire a solid habit of any virtue, it is necessary to form good resolutions
on the particular acts of this virtue and be faithful in executing them."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Change or quit an unhealthy habit or behavior.
"Today's efforts will make tomorrow's easier."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Learn something new today - read an article about something you know little
to nothing about.
"I beg of you to show all great affection."
St. Louise de Marillac
Challenge: Smile at every person you see today.
"Be particularly on your guard not to give pain to anyone but be a consolation to
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Be there for someone who is hurting.
"One of the first rules of my happiness is to be satisfied with good in whatever degree
I can attain it."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Set a timer for five minutes and write down all of the blessings in your
life until the timer goes off.
"Without prayer, I should be of little service."
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Challenge: Pray for someone you don't know today. As you're walking the hallways,
driving to school, or sitting at your desk in class, pick out a person and say a silent
prayer for them.
"When we meet with things very pleasing, before yielding to the joy they elicit, let
us raise our hearts to God and thank his loving mercy which sends us the consolation."
St. Louise de Marillac
Challenge: Write a prayer of Thanksgiving today (for example, "God thank you for ...")
and pray it before you go to bed.
"It is in silence that we can hear God speak to our hearts."
St. Vincent de Paul
Challenge: Spend at least five minutes in silent meditation.
"Wherever we may be, God is with us, so we must be always joyful."
St. Louise de Marillac
Challenge: Look for God's light in every person you meet.