
Contact Information

History, Culture and Politics


Richard Quinlan, Ph.D.

Annunciation Center Main Level
Phone: (973) 290-4351

Minor in History

SEU History students in classSEU's 20-credit history minor seeks to educate students about the most important historical concepts, facts, and interpretations pertinent to a range of regions and time periods. In so doing, the History Program endeavors to inspire among its students a life-long intellectual curiosity that will foster their future personal and professional growth.

⁠ "While at SEU, I had the chance to study away and explore Rome’s rich, architectural, mythological and artistic history," says Brianna Darlymple, a history student. "I love learning about history because it explains how it ultimately shaped each culture."

Minor in Political Science

SEU Spanish students sitting outside on campusThe 20-credit minor in political science provides students with broad knowledge of political issues, both domestic and international. Students who earn this minor obtain excellent preparation for careers in law, government service, public policy involvement and business.

⁠ "I'm studying to become a lawyer and my minor in political science prepared me for this career by exposing me to constitutional law and law in contemporary society," says Jacqueline Merlos-Pachecho.