
SEU Individualized Major Statistics

How will an Individualized Major Make Me More Marketable?

At Saint Elizabeth University, students who choose to pursue an individualized or self-designed major become versatile workers capable of adapting to any career path.

30% of students in college right now are going to enter careers that have not even been invented yet. That’s how quickly the world is changing. An individualized major allows students to prepare for these careers by providing them with diverse, dynamic and easily transferrable skill sets. They are able to combine all their interests into one major, hone their natural talents and prepare for various opportunities in the future.

50% of people in the world will change their careers at least once throughout the course of their life, with many seeking up to five different career paths. "You might start one career but five to ten years later, you decide to switch to something else," says Dr. Santamaria. "You want to be prepared and make sure you already have the knowledge to handle those transitions, instead of having to go back to school."

80% of people who stay in the same career still have to reinvent themselves every five years because of how drastically the job changes. Students who have an individualized major, paired with a good general education program, have a solid basis of transferrable knowledge that allows for constant reinvention.