Questions to Ask Yourself

Contact Information

Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Nicole Yanoso
Santa Rita Hall 4th Floor 404

Phone: (973) 290-4376

What You Should Know

When considering an individualized major, it’s important to ask yourself a series of questions that help you understand what will benefit you both personally and professionally.

SEU students in class

What are you good at and what do you really like to do?

The average person spends one third of their life working so it's important to find a field that combines your interest and your skill sets.

"There's an old adage that says: 'discover what you really love to do and then find someone to pay you to do it,'" says Dr. Anthony Santamaria, dean of arts and sciences. "Figuring out what you love and connecting it with career opportunities is part of the college experience."

SEU students doing photographyWhere are the opportunities?

When thinking about creating an individualized major, it’s important to consider the potential professional opportunities both now and in the future. Some careers that are highly successful and lucrative now, were not even invented a decade ago.

An individualized major gives students the freedom to develop a unique, dynamic skillset that will benefit them regardless of how their career might change.

SEU faculty in classWhat's the right fit for you?

Think about the courses you would like to take, the topics that you’re interested in studying and what you naturally excel at because these will guide you toward the right field of study.

SEU students studyingWhat will make you stand out?

When applying to graduate programs or employment opportunities, graduates are competing with thousands of other people. It's important to ask yourself: what will set me apart from everyone else?

An Individualized major allows you to do something very unique and distinctive that will make you more employable and more likely to earn spots in graduate programs.

"A few years ago, we had a biology student who was also interested in creating an individualized major in philosophy. The double major gave her both the medical and ethical expertise that very few other medical school applicants had," recalls Dr. Santamaria. "She knew that she was going to have to compete with a lot of graduates who also had great grades, stellar internships and service-learning opportunities but her majors made her stand out and she was accepted into medical school."