Financial Aid Policies

Approved Study Away Programs

Students need Consortium Agreements when they take classes at another institution, but would like to receive financial aid through Saint Elizabeth University. The only types of aid that may be available under these circumstances are Federal Direct Loans, Federal Pell Grants, and Private Educational Loans. The student should meet with the Financial Aid office to discuss financial aid eligibility and options. Students must be in good academic and financial standing. Applications can be obtained in the Financial Aid Office located in Santa Rita Hall, 2nd floor.

Federal Compliances

Saint Elizabeth University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, physical handicap, race, age, color, and national or ethnic origin in the administration of its admissions, educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, or other university policies, including employment.

Saint Elizabeth University has filed compliance information with The Department of Education under Title VI - Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX, Education Amendment of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. 

Student inquiries concerning the implementation of these policies should be made to the Vice President for Student Life, ext. 4203. Employees should address inquiries to the Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer, ext. 4498. The address of appropriate federal agencies regarding these compliances may be obtained upon request.

Saint Elizabeth University, in compliance with Section 485 (a) and (f ) of the Higher Education Act, also known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, and amendments there to, makes information available concerning campus security procedures, and campus crime statistics on the University’s website ( and in the following offices: Admission; Business; Vice President for Student Life; Financial Aid; Registrar; Human Resources; Security; Center for Ministry & Spirituality; and Dean of Professional Studies.

In compliance with Title I of Public Law 101-542, the Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act, as amended by Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991, Public Law 102-26, and the final regulations published in December 1999, the University reports the graduation rate of full-time, first-time first-year students who entered in Fall 1996 and subsequent years to all current students by personalized e-mail and to prospective students who request the information.

The report will be available in the Admission Office, Financial Aid Office, and in the Registrar’s Office for all who request it. The University informs students of the provisions in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended. This act protects the privacy of educational records, establishes the right of students to inspect and review their educational records, and provides guidelines for the correction of that record. The University also informs students of their right to prevent disclosure of personally identifiable information. The University also adheres to the regulations of the Solomon-Pombo Amendment, which allows the United States Military access to university campuses for recruitment. This amendment also allows the military access to student directory information without the student’s prior approval. Students may obtain a Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information Form from the Registrar’s Office. The University assumes that failure to request the withholding of directory information indicates approval for disclosure. Copies of the University’s policies are available from the offices of the President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Vice President for Student Life, or Registrar. Written complaints concerning allegations of failure to comply with the Act can be filed with: FERPA, the Department of Education, Room 4072, Switzer Building, Washington D.C.

NCAA Division III

NCAA Division III rules do not allow financial aid to be awarded based on the student’s athletic participation or accomplishments. No exceptions to this rule are allowed. According to financial aid policy, an athlete’s financial aid package must be consistent with the institution’s general policy for all students and special consideration is never given to a student because she or he is an athlete. Like all students, athletes are awarded financial aid based on their calculated financial need or academic accomplishments.