Grants Office

Grants Office

Contact Information

Grants Office


Montana Scholz, Esq.
Director of Grants and Corporate & Foundation Relations

Phone: (973) 290-4707

Grants Office

SEU's Grants Office Services

The Saint Elizabeth University Grants Office provides individualized assistance and support to SEU faculty and staff who seek external grant support for approved projects or programs and helps ensure that all proposals are of the highest quality.

Pre-Award Services

Comprise activities leading up to the submission of a fund request:

  • Idea development
  • Identify, evaluate and recommend potential funder sources
  • Assist with funder relationship and strategy
  • Provide application templates
  • Prepare institutional components
  • Proposal content editing and formatting
  • Assist with budget development
  • Ensure that all evaluation criteria are addressed
  • Assist in locating an external evaluator for presubmission proposal review and post-award evaluation, if applicable
  • Acquire institutional approval signatures
  • Submit final packages to funding sources
  • Notify appropriate federal legislators

Post-Award Services

  • Assist with award set-up
  • Assist with preparing interim and final reports
  • Serve as a problem-solving liaison to funders
  • Work with internal staff to publicize awards

SEU Grant Approval Process and Policy

Grants Office Resources

Funder Research:


  • Grants Professionals Association - Training Webinars
  • Federal Grants Development Handbook
  • Federal Grants Management Handbook
  • Proposal Writing Guides
  • Workspace

Compliance Support

  • Collaborate to ensure that State, Federal and University policies, regulations and procedures related to grant funding are fulfilled