
"I ran a community policing unit for nine years and I can absolutely say that getting this certificate at SEU enables police officers to better themselves, their community and the residents they serve,"
–Gary Markowitz.

The following programs may be taken alone or as part of the Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice (combined degree student) or Master of Arts in Justice Administration and Public Service Programs.

All courses are taught by experienced professionals in the field.

Certificate in Community Policing

SEU community policing program staff and studentsCommunity Policing occurs when communities and law enforcement agencies collaborate to address causes of crime and social disorder.

In this 12-credit certification program, the student learns the history of policing and the importance of community policing by examining current issues and the future of community policing, an excellent way to prepare for future employment opportunities.
See Requirements

Cybersecurity in Counter Terrorism Operations

SEU cybersecurity student using computer

This 12-credit Certificate Program is designed for law enforcement professionals, equipping students with expertise in both counter terrorism and cyber security investigation. The program will cover critical areas of homeland security, cybercrime, digital evidence, and national security intelligence.

Students will learn from experienced professionals in the field and develop practical skills to address modern threats, including domestic and international terrorism, as well as cyber-related crimes and investigations.

The program can be taken alone or as part of the Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice or Master of Arts in Justice Administration and Public Service Programs.See Requirements