Financial Assistance

The Psy.D. Program adheres to SEU's policy that all matriculated students have access to financial advice and assistance through our financial aid office. The Office of Financial Aid strives to make an SEU education affordable to all students and is committed to working with students and families to develop a customized financial assistance plan.

Please see Financial Aid for up-to-date information about SEU's financial aid opportunities, including information about applying for financial aid, the financial aid handbook, and financial aid staff.

Doctoral students have the opportunity to serve as Graduate Assistants for the Psychology department, as well as other departments on campus, as needed. Students earn three credits (one course) for 10 hours per week of service. Psy.D. students are asked to submit an application through Career Services and inform the Director of the Doctoral Program and the Department Chair about their application.

Doctoral students who are interested and qualified are given priority to serve as adjunct instructors in the Psychology Department. Psy.D. students are encouraged to contact the Chair of the Psychology Department to express interest in teaching.