Academic Internships
Contact Information
Academic Internships, Mentoring, and Service Learning
Joe Pastino, Director
Phone: (973) 290-4204
Career Services works diligently to build external partnerships with a diverse cohort of employers. hroughout the academic year, we invite employers to visit campus and meet our scholars through interactive workshops, lunch and learns, and class presentations. Additionally, Career Services will host one university-wide career fair each semester to offer students the opportunity to network with employers and explore internship and job opportunities.
Any employer interested in collaborating with our office is welcome to contact Joe Pastino at to learn more about our Academic Internship program. Academic internships are a credit-bearing mechanism designed to expose students to the world of work. Academic internships must offer students the opportunity to learn industry—specific skills and develop career readiness competencies that will prepare them for entry-level jobs. While we understand that clerical tasks are necessary in all careers, these tasks should be an insubstantial portion of the internship experience. Kindly note that employers are required to complete an evaluation form at the conclusion of the internship and must certify that the student completed the required hours.
Attend a Career Fair!
Career Services is happy to announce that our spring 2025 career fair will take place
on April 10, 2025 from 11:00am-2:00pm in Saint Joseph Hall, McGuire Lounge.
Attendance is free and lunch will be provided. Please complete the form below to confirm
your attendance. If you have questions about the Career Fair, please contact Joe
Pastino at