What is the difference between a high achieving student and a SEU Promise student?

An SEU student who has excelled at learning the subject matter in their coursework does so by engaging fully in the academic process. This means the student attends class regularly, establishes an appropriate study routine, attends tutoring if needed, stays in close touch with professors, passes exams with strong grades, hands in all assignments on time, conducts presentations according to the established guidelines, and meets any other assignments and/or deadline requirements.

Students might also engage in internships, student teaching, and/or research projects off-campus where they apply coursework knowledge to the "real world." In this way, knowledge is something that the student earns through dedicated, hard work.

This same work ethic is required for a student to succeed in the SEUP program. Career development is a process which requires effort all four years. Therefore, a SEU student is not just given a Promise, they are given the ability to earn the Promise.

Students earn the Promise by:
  • Maintaining a minimum 2.75 overall GPA throughout the four years of college.
  • Attending all required workshops, career fairs, and other events during each semester.
  • Meeting deadlines such as submitting materials, scheduling appointments well before the deadline, arriving on time for workshops and appointments and remaining until the end of each.
  • Maintaining regular communication with faculty and the Career Center.
  • Establishing a reputation as a pre-professional at their internship, student teaching and/or research learning sites.

Who is eligible to join SEUP?

Undergraduate students who enter Saint Elizabeth University as first-time, full-time freshmen are eligible to join SEUP. Students must complete their bachelor's degree at the University in four years.

How do students learn about SEUP?

Students learn about the program during admission events, orientation, email messages, and a well-publicized on-campus event. In addition, students are informed of the program during the first two weeks of their general education courses.

Once students are fully aware of the program qualifications, they are offered the opportunity to sign the SEUP Agreement. Students must sign up by the fall semester deadline. Students are not eligible to join the program at any other time.

How will a student know if they are not fulfilling the requirements?

Data on student requirements and actions are logged into the SEU Connects database. At the end of each semester, the Career Center runs a report to determine student compliance. Students who are no longer in compliance are sent a letter alerting them that they have chosen to become ineligible for the program. Although they are no longer available for SEUP, they are invited to continue in a structured career development program to help them become well-prepared for the next steps after college.

What can parents or other support people do to encourage student success in the SEUP program?

Encourage students to:

  • Read SEU emails regularly. This is one way the Career Center communicates information about the program;
  • Sign up for the program early and then mark required dates and times on their calendar or set reminders on their cell phones;
  • Engage in timely communication with coaches, campus club members, faculty, on-campus or off-campus employment supervisors about any activities related to program requirements;
  • Seek volunteer experiences, student employment or internships early in their college career in order to explore career options and/or gain experience and network connections in their scope of preparation;
  • Understand that SEUP provides guidance but students must take an active role in the process since ultimately, students are responsible for conducting their own job or graduate school search; and
  • Feel confident in themselves as developing professionals.