2022-2025 MSCHE Self-Study

Contact Information

MSCHE Self-Study Co-Chairs


Anne Clark Bartlett, Ph.D.

Phone: (973) 290-4418

Welcome to Saint Elizabeth University’s Middle States Commission on Higher Education Self-Study Process. SEU is accredited under the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and is currently undergoing reaffirmation.

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education makes available the opportunity to submit third-party comments regarding the institution's compliance with standards for accreditation, requirements of affiliation, policies and procedures, and applicable federal regulatory requirements on the Commission's website (www.msche.org).


What is the Middle States Commission on Higher Education Accreditation?

"The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is an institutional accreditor recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) that serves as an independent voice in higher education. MSCHE establishes equitable standards for accreditation with member institutions that advance the impact of accreditation in the ever-changing landscape of higher education and promotes educational excellence through innovation across diverse institutions."

Middle States


Overview of SEU's Middle States Reaccreditation Process

The self-study process began in fall 2022 with the appointment of the self-study co-chairs. After extensive discussion among the co-chairs, steering committee members were selected and all received formal appointment letters from President Crosby after agreeing to serve in this critical capacity. Representing a broad spectrum of the constituencies of the institution, members of the Steering Committee were drawn from faculty, administration, and staff. Consideration was given to diversification by gender, rank, role, experience, discipline or field, and length of service at the University. The steering committee is responsible for coordinating the self-study process effectively.

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education makes available the opportunity to submit third-party comments regarding the institution's compliance with standards for accreditation, requirements of affiliation, policies and procedures, and applicable federal regulatory requirements on the Commission's website (www.msche.org).