
Contact Information

MSCHE Self-Study Co-Chairs


Anne Clark Bartlett, Ph.D. & Regina Riccioni

Phone: (973) 290-4418

Guidelines for Reporting

The Steering Committee will oversee the efforts of the Work Groups and will set the timeline for completion of products, including outlines, preliminary drafts, and final reports. Progress will be monitored through Work Group status updates, given at each Steering Committee meeting, and by a review of the minutes of Work Group meetings, posted in the Self-Study Google Drive.

Schedule for Submission of Draft Documents and Final Reports

Date Action
May 2023 Work Groups submit research questions to Self-Study Co-chairs
July 2023 Co-chairs send draft of Self-Study Design to Steering Committee
early September 2023 ALO submits draft of Self-Study Design to Middle States Liaison
September 21-22 2023 Middle States Liaison site visit; Steering Committee revises Self-Study Design
December 2023 Work Groups submit drafts of their chapters to Steering Committee
January 2024 Steering Committee provides feedback on submitted drafts of chapters
March 2024 Work Groups submit revised draft of chapters to Steering Committee
May 2024 Work Groups submit their chapters to Steering Committee
May through August Steering committee revises draft of Self-Study Report
September 2024 Steering Committee presents draft of Self-Study Report to campus, Board of Trustees, and community and receives feedback
October 2024 Co-chairs submit draft of Self-Study Report to Evaluation Team Chair (at least two weeks prior to Team Chair visit)
Fall 2024 Team Chair Site Visit
January 2025 Steering Committee finalizes Self-Study Report
February – April 2025 ALO uploads final Self-Study Report/Verification of Federal Compliance/Evidence Inventory to MSCHE portal (six weeks prior to team visit)
Spring 2025 Middle States Site Visit
May – June 2025 University prepares institutional response to Evaluation Team report