
Online Encyclopedias

  • Encyclopedia of Mathematics & Society
    Essays exploring the influence of math on everyday life. Topics range from animation and fantasy sports to traffic, cooking, calendars, and dancing.
  • Mathematics (Gale eBooks)
    Explains mathematical concepts with an historical overview of the field. Explores the uses and effects of math in daily life, and different career choices in this field. For academic readers.

Key Databases

  • Proquest: Science & Technology
    Covers all branches of science & technology including a wide range of mathematical topics.
  • Science Direct
    This large full-text science database includes articles from 87 peer-reviewed mathematics journals.

Streaming Video

Other Resources

  • Academic Search Complete
    Over 6,400 active full-text journals, more than 5,700 being peer-reviewed titles, providing access to critical information unique to this database. Covering STEM research, including biology, and other topics.
  • ACM Digital Library
    The ACM Digital Library is open for public browsing and searching, but we do not subscribe to the full text. If you need an article, please submit an interlibrary borrowing request.
  • ArXiv: Mathematics
    ArXiv is an open access repository for papers in mathematics, as well as physics, computer science, quantitative biology, finance and statistics. Search for your topic or browse math for subcategories.
  • ERIC via Ebsco
    Education Resource Information Center, a database of educational literature, includes articles on mathematics education.

Citing Sources

  • APA Style Guide
  • Zotero
    A citation generator and management tool, Zotero can help you keep all of your citation information together and generate a bibliography for you.



General Information

Math Biography

Teaching Math

Videos and Tutorials