
Online Encyclopedias

Key Databases

    American Psychological Association source of full text peer-reviewed scholarly articles in psychology with more than 140,000 articles published by the APA, and its allied organizations.
  • APA PsycINFO
    American Psychological Association resource for abstracts, with links to some full text, of scholarly articles, books, and dissertations. Largest resource of peer-reviewed literature from 1887 to the present. - PsycINFO Search Tips: In Advanced Search use APA Classification Codes (PDF version) OR APA Methodology Field Values (PDF version) for more precise search results.
    Expertly-created metadata allows you to instantly find and download instruments for research and/or teaching. Focused primarily on unpublished tests, this database was designed to save your researchers time from having to reproduce tests when conducting research on previously measured constructs.
  • Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
    Essential full-text database for psychologists, counselors, researchers and students providing access to 480 full-text journals including many indexed in and linked to APA PsycINFO. Particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and counseling.

Streaming Video

Other Resources

  • Academic Search Complete
    Over 6,400 active full-text journals, more than 5,700 being peer-reviewed titles, providing access to critical information unique to this database. Covering STEM research, the social sciences as well as the humanities.
  • BioMed Central
    Open access scholarly journals with coverage of the biological and neurological aspects of behavior and the brain. Free registration required.
  • National Library of Medicine databases:
    MEDLINE, PubMed, PubMed Central. For more information on these three resources, please click here.
  • ProQuest Social Sciences
    Search across 11 databases in ProQuest that relate to the social sciences: Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress, Sociological Abstracts, GenderWatch, ProQuest Criminal Justice, ProQuest Research Library Social Sciences, etc. Some full text included.
  • Science Direct
    Our largest database for the sciences and social sciences, including psychology, providing full text access to scholarly journals often unavailable on other databases.


LibGuides are resources that are built by scholarly professionals with content specifically related to a given subject.

Citing Sources

  • APA Style Guide
  • Zotero
    A citation generator and management tool, Zotero can help you keep all of your citation information together and generate a bibliography for you.


Legal Resources

  • Google Scholar Case Law
    Free case law library includes state cases from 1950; federal, appellate, tax, and bankruptcy cases from 1923; and US Supreme Court opinions from 1791.
