Accessibility Services
Contact Information
Accessibility Services
Stefanie Attia
Accessibility Services Coordinator
2nd Floor Mahoney Library
Saint Elizabeth University
Convent Road
Morristown, NJ 07960-6989
Phone: (973) 290-4261
Learning Disability
Every report submitted must be on the agency's letterhead stationery, typed, dated, signed by the evaluator, and include the following elements:
Evaluator Information
Those professionals, who have conducted and are submitting evaluation reports, and offering recommendations, must be qualified to do so. The following certified and/or licensed professionals would be qualified to evaluate specific learning disabilities provided they have the training and expertise to evaluate adolescent and adult learning disabilities:
- School psychologists
- Clinical or educational psychologists
- Learning disabilities specialists
- Psychiatrists
- Neurologists
- Neuropsychologists
- Medical doctors with training and expertise in the assessment/diagnosis of adolescent and adult learning disabilities
The name, title, and professional credentials of the evaluator must be cited in the report, i.e. certified or licensed psychologist. Please note that the diagnostician must be an impartial professional who is not a family member of the student.
Educational, Psycho-educational and/or Neuropsychological Assessment
Within the report there must be a discussion of all evaluative instruments administered
and observations of the student's behavior during the assessment. Actual test scores
must be included. Standard scores are required; percentile and age equivalents are
not acceptable without the standard scores, and an interpretation of the test scores
is required. Non-normed/non-standardized assessments, i.e. informal reading inventories
or writing samples, may be offered as supplemental to the standardized assessments,
but are not sufficient as documentation of disability.
The evaluation reports must contain adequate information/documentation of the student's
current (within three (3) years of submission date) level of functioning. If required
information/documentation is missing and/or outdated, the student may be asked to
provide a more current or complete assessment (at student's expense).
Non-traditional age students should reach out to the Accessibility Services Coordinator for assistance with outdated documentation.
Please note that your documentation does not automatically transfer over from high school. Any student that needs advice or assistance concerning obtaining their documentation, please contact Stefanie Attia - Coordinator of Accessibility Services for a review/discussion of such information.
Physical Disability
For any disability or condition which impacts the physical well-being of an individual, such as but not limited to: low vision, Blindness, Deafness, impaired mobility, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, diabetes, etc.; the student is required to provide documentation of the disability or condition to the Office of Accessibility Services.
The documentation must be provided in writing on the attending physician's letterhead stationery with their signature and contact information, and date. The attending/submitting practitioner must be an impartial individual who is not a member of the student's family.
The documentation must include all of the following:
- The name of the patient/student;
- Diagnosis;
- The severity of the condition (if the patient is visually impaired a Low Vision Evaluation Report should be submitted);
- How the condition may impact the patient/student's ability to perform daily activities related to college attendance;
- How long the condition/limitations are expected to persist;
- Other information the physician believes may be useful as it might relate to the provision of reasonable accommodations within the patient/student's college experience
Psychological/Psychiatric Disorders
Psychological/psychiatric disorders may include, but are not limited to depressive
disorders, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, etc. A diagnosis of
such disorder must be made and submitted by a licensed mental health professional
and may include licensed clinical social workers, licensed professional counselors,
psychologists, and psychiatrists. The attending, submitting professional must be an
impartial individual who is not a member of the student's family.
All submitted evaluation reports must be typed on the attending clinician's letterhead
stationery, and include the following information.
- Name of student
- Date(s) of evaluation
- Detailed information including the DSM-IV diagnosis, and a summary of present symptoms
- A statement of the current impact of the disorder and the extent to which it may affect the student's functioning in the post-secondary academic environment