Accessibility Services
Contact Information
Accessibility Services
Stefanie Attia
Accessibility Services Coordinator
2nd Floor Mahoney Library
Saint Elizabeth University
Convent Road
Morristown, NJ 07960-6989
Phone: (973) 290-4261
The Saint Elizabeth University recognizes the access needs of all disabled individuals
and complies with the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Consequently, the College
recognizes the need for some disabled individuals, due to the nature and severity
of their disability, to utilize a service animal while on campus, and within campus
This policy defines the context, rules and documentation requirements that must be
met prior to the introduction of a service animal on campus and/or within college
facilities, and while the service animal is working and/or residing on campus.
- A person with a service or therapy animal who has a disability is called a partner. A person working with a service or therapy animal without a disability is called a handler.
- A pet is a domesticated animal that only serves the role of providing a sense of pleasure/leisure companionship to its owner. Pets are not the same as service animals and are not accorded the same legal status as service animals. Pets are not permitted on campus or in college facilities.
Service Animals
- The U.S. Department of Justice defines service animals as: animals that are individually trained to perform specific tasks for people with disabilities such as guiding people who are blind; alerting people who are deaf; pulling wheelchairs; alerting or protecting individuals who are about to or are experiencing a seizure; or other specific tasks related to an individual's specific disability needs. Service animals may perform such tasks as: guiding/pulling wheelchairs; turning lights on/off; retrieving objects from the floor or other location; opening doors; pushing buttons on elevator doors; providing assistance to an individual who has fallen out of a wheelchair.
Types of Service Animals
Emotional Support Animal/Service Animal
- An emotional support animal is an animal that provides relief to individuals with psychiatric disability through companionship.
Guide Dog
- Appropriately trained dog that guides a blind or visually impaired individual helping the disabled individual avoid obstacles; crossing streets.
Hearing Dogs
- Appropriately trained dog that provides a sense of sound for a deaf individual alerting the individual to smoke alarms; fire alarms; door knock or bell; ringing of a telephone; alarm clock; kitchen timer; a baby's cry.
Service Dogs
- Appropriately trained dog that provides strength and movement for a disabled individual with muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and/or congenital abnormalities.
Seizure Alert Dog
- Appropriately trained dog that may provide protection for an individual during a seizure; may be trained to go for help; may have been successfully trained to recognize specific changes in the individual preceding a seizure and alert the individual to an impending seizure by barking or whimpering..
Psychiatric Dog
- Appropriately trained dog that may mitigate symptoms of an individual's disability. Some of the tasks that may be performed by a psychiatric service dog may include: reminding the individual to take medication; provide safety checks/search rooms; turning on lights; interrupting self-mutilation; and/or keeping a disoriented individual from danger.
Documentation Requirements
- Before students begin their request it is important to know the steps to request an Emotional Support Animal. Please click on this form to learn about with relevant links. Steps to an Emotional Support Animal with Links Please note that the student’s Emotional Support Animal will NOT be allowed on campus until all steps are completed and the student has an email of approval followed by an agreement signed by the student, Accessibility Services, Security and the Director of Residence Life.
- A disabled student must fill out a Service Animal Request with the Office of Accessibility Services
- To learn the steps to requesting to bring a Service Animal on campus and residence halls, please contact
- A faculty member who is disabled and requires a service animal must register with the College's Office of Human Recourses. Such notification should indicate that the faculty member has registered with the College's Office of Accessibility Services and provided the latter office with appropriate documentation of disability that also indicates a disability related need for the service animal and explains the services to be provided by the service animal.
- A visitor does not have to register with or provide documentation to the Office of Accessibility Services, for a Service Animal but must report to Campus Security who will provide the visitor with a copy of this policy.
- Licensing – the animal must meet all of the licensing requirements of the community in which the animal resides and wear, at all times, the community's required tags.
- Health Records – The animal must have, and the disabled individual must provide to the Office of Accessibility Services, a health statement that includes a record of vaccinations from a licensed veterinarian dated within the last calendar year. Such vaccinations and proof of vaccinations must be provided to the Office of Accessibility Services on an annual basis. The animal must be well groomed, and measures should be taken by the owner for flea and odor control. The animal's owner must be considerate of other members of the college community when providing maintenance and hygiene assistance to the animal.
Control Requirements
- The animal must be on a leash at all times. The animal should never be permitted to wander about off leash except in those situations in which the animal is working.
- The partner/handler must be in full control of the animal at all times.
- Service animals are prohibited from kitchens and food preparation areas except those in residence facilities.
- Service animals may be prohibited from areas such as science labs if the lab supervisor has reason to believe that the animal's presence may compromise the environment, or if the environment may pose a physical danger to the service animal.
Emergency Situations
In an emergency situation every effort should be made to keep the partner and animal together. Campus staff should be trained to recognize a service animal, and to be aware that an animal may be attempting to communicate a need for assistance. Staff should also be mindful of the protective nature of the service animal in relation to the partner, and/or may be confused or agitated by the emergency situation. If possible try to direct/assist the partner in a manner that does not interfere with the partner/service animal relationship. If the partner is incapacitated, wait for Campus Security or the College's Emergency Response Team who are trained to deal with the situation.
Exclusion from Campus
A service animal may be excluded from campus for the following reasons:
- Disruptive behavior: including, but not limited to, excessive barking, whining, growling, wandering, sniffing (people, tables in eating areas, other people's belongings) initiation of contact with others without partner's permission after student has had 3 written warnings.
- Illness
- Hygiene-dirty strong odor, evidence of having fleas, ticks, etc.
- Animal is not on a leash
- Obstruction of aisles or passageways
- Aggressive behavior
- Student is not cleaning up waste after their dog inside residence halls after 3 written warnings
Campus Etiquette
Students and campus personnel should not:
- Prevent a service animal from accompanying its partner as they move about campus except where specifically prohibited
- Pet, feed, or otherwise interfere with or distract the service animal
- Startle, tease, or taunt the service animal
- Attempt to separate the service animal and its partner
Conflicting Disabilities
Persons with conflicting disabilities, i.e. asthma or other respiratory illness, allergies, should contact/register with the College's Office of Accessibility Services and provide medical documentation citing the nature of the disability, seriousness of the disability, and the nature of the conflict. Resolution of the student/staff concern will consider the disability needs of the parties involved and will be accomplished as expeditiously as possible.
Appeal Procedure
Appeals concerning this policy may be addressed through the office of Accessibility Services Appeal Procedure which is contained in the student handbook.