PRAXIS Accommodation Procedure

Procedure for Introduction to Major and Requirements

  1. Review required GPA:a 3.0
  2. Review PRAXIS as a certification requirement
  3. Recommend that students purchase PRAXIS practice book
  4. Encourage students to view PRAXIS web page to become familiar with test registration process; requirements for requesting testing accommodations
  5. Encourage students to take practice PRAXIS tests on line
  6. Encourage students to take PRAXIS during summer between Freshman and Sophomore years, for the experience of the test
  7. Utilize the PRAXIS results to guide students in the PRAXIS tutoring offered through the Academic Success Center

PRAXIS Application Process

Students to meet with Coordinator of Accessibility Services to:
  1. Review on file evaluation reports (Psychological, Educational) to ensure that such reports are not more than three years old
  2. Review medical reports to ensure that such data is not more than one (1) year old
  3. If evaluation reports are more than three years old, refer student for re-evaluation (evaluation fees are the responsibility of the student)
  4. Assist student with the completion of the application for accommodations ensuring that the application is ready for submission not later than eight (8) weeks before desired test date
  5. Assist student with completion of the required voucher