Accessibility Services
Contact Information
Accessibility Services
Stefanie Attia
Accessibility Services Coordinator
2nd Floor Mahoney Library
Saint Elizabeth University
Convent Road
Morristown, NJ 07960-6989
Phone: (973) 290-4261
Professors may consult with the Coordinator of Accessibility Services concerning the
student accommodations contained in the individual student's Accommodation Plan. Such
consultation may include clarification of an accommodation; a suggestion(s) to enhance
a specific accommodation in relation to the respective course outcomes; recommendations
for inclusion of safety accommodations within science labs; or other possible accommodations
to aid a student within a particular course, field experience, or field trip.
Professors can also request assistance with the development of specific instructional
materials to address student instructional needs, i.e. low vision, reduced hearing,
physical mobility; or with the development of course related assessment design that
will allow a student to adequately demonstrate mastery of the course content.
Consultation services are also available to assist professors with the classroom management
of behavioral issues that are related to the student's disability, i.e. distractibility,
agitation, seizures, etc.
The above services can be accessed by the professor requesting such consultation via
an email to the Coordinator of Accessibility Services.